Acne Scar Treatment
Acne is a complex skin condition that many people will experience in their lives, with varying degrees of severity. It is usually caused by excess oils, dead skin cells, or the overgrowth of bacteria within the pores of the skin. Smaller acne lesions are typically minor, healing relatively quickly without scarring. However, larger or more severe bumps can cause the walls of the skin pores to collapse, penetrating the skin and damaging lower layers of tissue. In response, the skin produces new collagen fibers to repair the area, and an acne scar forms. Dr. Adrianna Browne and the Illustra Dermatology staff understand the importance of early intervention in acne scar treatment for our Bay Area patients.

Overall, there are two primary types of acne scars: atrophic and hypertrophic scars. Atrophic scars appear as indentations on the skin surface, and hypertrophic scars form thick and raised lumps of fibrous tissue. Thus, even after active acne resolves, the scars left behind can be quite bothersome, persisting years after the original breakouts. Fortunately, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Adrianna Browne is happy to offer a range of options to help treat acne scars in the Bay Area, including: microneedling, chemical peels, dermal filler, laser resurfacing, and more.
Microneedling is a nonsurgical cosmetic procedure that uses tiny needles to create microscopic punctures in the skin. The process is highly precise, and the wounds created by the needle pricks activate the skin’s natural healing process, stimulating collagen and elastin production to promote healthy-looking skin. Microneedling is a safe, effective and relatively painless treatment that diminishes acne scars, and can even help to reduce wrinkles and tighten the skin.
*A topical anesthetic is applied to the skin prior to the procedure to numb the area being treated.
Chemical Peels:
This procedure involves the application of a chemical exfoliant that aids in the controlled destruction of the epidermis and dermis (upper layers of the skin). Following the treatment, the skin regenerates, allowing new healthy skin to present with improved surface texture and overall appearance.
Dermal Fillers:
Dermal fillers are injectables that can help address atrophic acne scars. For this procedure, a filler customized for the patient can be injected into the skin to raise depressed acne scars, and may also stimulate collagen. Dermal fillers last anywhere between six months to two years.
Laser Resurfacing:
Laser resurfacing is a highly effective treatment that utilizes tiny laser beams to penetrate into the skin and remove the upper layers of the skin. As the skin heals, the treated areas produce new collagen, and acne scars are smoothed and lifted by the renewed collagen matrix. Laser resurfacing is minimally invasive. To achieve the best results, multiple treatment sessions are recommended.
Struggling with acne is difficult enough, and facing acne scars after can be frustrating and may greatly affect your self-esteem. If you are dealing with bothersome acne scars in the Bay Area, consult with Dr. Browne at Illustra Dermatology to explore options for improving the health and appearance of your skin. Dr. Browne will devise an individualized treatment with you, specifically for your skin type and your skin goals.